Applied Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity Specialists protect organizations and the public from hackers, scammers and other online criminals. In this growing career field, Cybersecurity Specialists keep computer information and systems secure. Cybersecurity students develop technical skills through hands-on projects.

Program Offered At
Potential Industry Certifications / Credentials

  • CompTIA IT Fundamentals +
  • CompTIA Network +
  • CompTIA A+

Areas of Study

  • Professional ethics and legal responsibilities are highlighted as students use critical thinking skills to determine information technology vulnerabilities and their role to keep the information safe.
  • Class projects highlight problem-solving skills to implement risk mitigation planning using knowledge of common cyber-attack mechanisms, their consequences, and motivation for their use.  Students study elements of forensic analysis, risk management frameworks, information technology security policies, and possible risks.
  • The growing demand for cybersecurity specialists can be seen in employment projections across the country.

Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO)
Labor Market Information

This program supports students' college and career readiness. Students are college and career ready when they have the knowledge, skills, and academic preparation needed to enroll and succeed in college credit-bearing courses within an associate or bachelor degree program without the need for remediation. Students need these same attributes and levels of achievement to enter and succeed in post-secondary workforce education or to enter a career path offering a living wage and future advancement.