We are a Tobacco Free District

Tobacco Free The School Board of St. Lucie County (School Board) recognizes that the use of tobacco products is a health, safety, and environmental hazard for students, employees, parents, visitors, and school facilities. The School Board believes that the use of tobacco products on school grounds, in school buildings and facilities, on school property, in district-owned vehicles or at school-related or school-sponsored events is detrimental to the health and safety of students, employees, and visitors. Smoking and other tobacco products are detrimental to health and a significant contributor to medical issues and death for users and non-users. The School Board acknowledges that adult staff and visitors serve as role models for students, and therefore need to promote a district free from tobacco.

Do you need help quitting tobacco?

St Lucie School District recognizes that quitting tobacco use can be a significant personal challenge.

Tobacco Quit


Students Working Against Tobacco (SWAT) – Florida’s statewide youth
SWATorganization working to mobilize, educate and equip Florida youth to revolt against and de-glamorize Big Tobacco. SWAT is a united movement of empowered youth working towards a tobacco free future.

Smoke Free.gov – provides free, accurate, evidence-based information and professional assistance to help support the immediate and long-term needs of people trying to quit smoking. They also have an app for assistance: https://smokefree.gov/apps-quitstart

CDC Tips and Help – The CDC goals are to build public awareness of the immediate health damage caused by smoking
and exposure to secondhand smoke, encourage smokers to quit, and make free help available for those who want it, High school studentsand to encourage smokers not to smoke around others and nonsmokers to protect themselves and their families from exposure to secondhand smoke.

Teacher Vision Smoking Resources – Get students the facts they need to make healthy decisions. This collection of smoking-prevention lessons, printables, references, and Web resources will help students understand the harmful effects of smoking. The Great American Smokeout is an excellent opportunity to educate your students about cigarettes and addiction. Explore the Surgeon General’s warning and start an anti-smoking letter writing campaign with your class. You’ll find plenty of resources to help you teach this important topic.