Parent Involvement
Thirty years of research confirms that parent/family involvement is a powerful influence on children’s achievement in school. As embodied in No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 and historically within The Elementary and Secondary Education Act, when schools work together with parents/families to support learning, children are inclined to succeed not just in school, but throughout life. Such participation of parents and families is critical not only in the very beginning of the educational process, but throughout a child’s entire academic career.
When families are involved in their children’s education, children tend to earn higher grades, receive higher scores on tests, attend school more regularly, complete homework, demonstrate positive attitudes and behaviors, graduate from high school at higher rates, impart positive student achievement, and are more likely to enroll in higher education than students with less involved parents/families.
Partnerships among parents/families, schools and communities help students reach high standards by addressing the range of barriers that can impede a student’s academic progress. By reaching out to involve parents in education, schools send a message that education is important and builds critical support for students as they learn.