ESOL Contact

Aleida “Lily” Trinidad

Coordinator of English Learners, Recently Arrived Students, and Translation Services

(772) 429-5537


English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) is a state-funded instructional program for eligible English Language Learners (ELL) in grades K-12.

Florida Consent Decree and State Laws Covering ESOL hold school districts accountable for ensuring that ELL students have equal access to the curriculum comparable in amount, scope, sequence and quality to that provided to English proficient students.

ELL students’ language proficiency should not impede them from participating in special programs, electives and school activities.

English Language Learners (ELL)

Title III is a federally-funded program that supplements the educational services already in place in the ESOL program in St Lucie Public Schools.

Classroom teachers integrate proficiency standards with the Florida Academic Standards to enable ELLs to both communicate in English and demonstrate their academic, social, and cultural proficiency.

Florida Consent Decree and State Laws Covering ESOL hold school districts accountable for ensuring that ELL students have equal access to the curriculum comparable in amount, scope, sequence and quality to that provided to English proficient students.

ELL students’ language proficiency should not impede them from participating in special programs, electives and school activities.

Classroom teachers integrate proficiency standards with the Common Core State Standards to enable ELLs to both communicate in English and demonstrate their academic, social, and cultural proficiency.

How Parents Can Be Involved in the ELL Program

Parents of ELL students are encouraged to participate in all parent activities related to the school in which their child is enrolled, and will receive school communications in their language when possible. Translators are available at schools, either by school staff or by district staff with prior arrangements. Two ELL-specific parent activities are:

  • The ELL Committee
    This committee meets at the school to act on decisions important to the instruction of the ELL student. Parents are always invited to these meetings and are encouraged to attend. A parent may request an ELL Committee meeting to address issues related to the student.
  • The Parent Leadership Council
    This Council consists of parents interested in meeting and assisting the district to provide services for their children. A district meeting and multiple school level meetings meet every year to offer parents a vehicle to share in their children’s education.


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