Contact Information:

OFFICE: (772) 429-4645
FAX: (772) 429-3627

About Us

The Safety & Security Department is comprised of professional School Safety Officers and Specialists who are also Florida Certified Law Enforcement Officers and Deputy Sheriffs.  We provide professional security services and serve as liaisons with the School Resource Deputies and Officers who are assigned to St. Lucie District Schools and St. Lucie District Charter Schools. ALL of our District School Safety Officers are committed to continuously enhancing safety and security measures in order to maintain safe, caring, and predictable schools.

Safety Tips

Sending your child to school every day should not be a worrisome experience.  Every member of the St. Lucie Public Schools Safety and Security Department takes our responsibility of the care and keeping of our more than 49,000 students and more than 5000 teachers, staff, and volunteers very seriously.  To do that, we need the help of every student, every parent, every teacher, staff, and administrator to be our eyes and ears on and around our campuses.  The following are a few tips to assist us in fulfilling St. Lucie Public Schools mission …  “to ensure all students graduate from safe and caring schools, equipped with the knowledge, skills, and desire to succeed.”

  • Be Patient

    The first few weeks of the school year can be trying for everyone.  Leave early and pack patience.  Please take the time to review your student’s school’s drop-off and pick-up procedures (ESPECIALLY, if there is construction or other challenges in the area of the school) before the first day of school.  Be mindful and help us be good neighbors in the campus community by being respectful of lawns, private properties, area businesses, NOT BLOCKING DRIVEWAYS and following the pick-up and drop-off plan for the school.  Once everyone gets a chance to learn the flow, it WILL get better.

  • Learn your child's school's emergency procedures

    Emergency plans and phone numbers are located in the SLPS Students Code of Conduct, on the school’s webpage, and posted in classrooms. Taking a few extra minutes to familiarize yourself and your child with emergency information can give them the confidence they need to act quickly in emergency situations.  Know the procedures for pick-up or reunification after unusual or emergency events.  PLEASE WAIT FOR COMMUNICATION FROM THE SCHOOL and/or SCHOOL DISTRICT and refrain from rushing to your child’s school.
    We KNOW you love and care for your children but responding too early to a situation makes it very challenging for emergency and priority responders to get immediate care a resources in place quickly. Waiting for factual information from the School District source is your BEST OPTION for the quickest and least frustrating reunification experience. The School and District take a muti-hazard approach to ensure safe transitions during evacuations and/or transfers to other safe locations. Know that St. Lucie Public Schools has several restorative plans in place and we practice to be sure you get accurate information and know the status of your child and how to be reunited with them.  Some situations may be dictated by local emergency responders taking additional time to safely and strategically relocate students and staff.
    REMEMBER…Our TOP PRIORITY is the safety of our students (your children).  The St. Lucie Public Schools enjoys a close partnership with our local emergency response organizations and are a part of the National Incident Mangement Structure (NIMS) and District leadership has a seat with Unified Command, especially in an emergency situation.
  • Talk with your child about safety.

    Be specific. Talk about instinct and paying attention to funny feelings or fear. Explain what to do if they don’t feel safe (find a teacher, call 911, etc.). Make sure they know how to contact you or a trusted neighbor who is likely to be at home.  Check your child’s backpack/school bags and schoolwork frequently for indications of something out of the ordinary, or a show-and-tell item that poses a threat or danger.  And, of course, if you or your child SEE SOMETHING or HEAR SOMETHING, please SAY SOMETHING. 
    We ALL have a responsibility for your child’s safety and the safety of others on the school campus.  FortifyFL, Treasure Coast Crime Stoppers, or school administration are all good options.
  • Know and follow school security and safety measures.

    These might include signing in when visiting the school, having photo identification ready to present, being escorted when walking through the building, or wearing a visitor pass. Following these procedures also sets a great example for your kids.  Not following these procedures increases anxiety and frustration of all involved, takes additional time, and could result in unpleasant experiences.
  • Know travel routes to and from the school.

    Make sure you and your child know both primary and alternate routes. In an emergency, roads can be blocked and it’s important to have a backup plan.  Download the “Here Comes The Bus” app to get updates on your child’s bus and route changes.

  • Inform school staff about health and emotional concerns.

    Whether your child has a food allergy, a physical disability, or has been subject to bullying, make sure to keep your child’s teachers and principal in the loop.  Early and consistent communication is key to your child’s success in school.  St. Lucie Public Schools has a multitude of resources and support programs available to aid in your child’s ultimate success in school.  Please call Student Services for additional information.

  • Get involved.

    Talk with the principal about what you can do to increase school safety, such as organizing parents to form a neighborhood watch before and after school. JOIN your school’s School Advisory Committee (SAC).  Many times, parent groups are highly successful in making improvements in conditions or procedures in schools.  Be supportive of your school’s administration and look for opportunities to help.  ALL VOLUNTEERS (to include chaperones, assistant coaches, etc.) MUST apply and undergo a background check.


    Needless to say, there are numerous restrictions and laws on unauthorized persons having weapons or firearms on a school campus, SLPS District offices/properties, including school-sponsored or athletic events.  Even with the new legislation, FIREARMS/WEAPONS ARE NOT PERMITTED ON SCHOOL CAMPUSES, DISTRICT PROPERTIES, OR SCHOOL/DISTRICT SPONSORED EVENTS REGARLESS OF VENUE (LOCATION).  This includes those who may even have a concealed weapons permit.  
    Violations could result in dangerous situations for students, staff, and/or the public or even criminal charges.  Please do not allow your child to bring even toy firearms/weapons to school or school-sponsored events.  When in doubt (such as a class project or , please contact your school’s principal.

–Adapted from National Association of Elementary School Principals

Visiting a School?

We do understand that though it may seem inconvenient or even extreme in some cases, the procedures in place for visiting St. Lucie District Schools and Charter Schools are there to ensure the safety and security of the students, staff, and public who are on our campuses.  Please follow all the security directions by personnel, administration, officers and signs while visiting.

To make your experience more effective and positive, we ask that you take into consideration the following tips:

  • Know your student’s legal name, school, and teacher’s name (if possible)

  • Be on the list

    Be sure you are already on the approved/authorized parent/guardian/pick-up list.  The school personnel cannot share ANY information or allow you to have ANY access to the student without being on this list. This especially includes student reunification following a school evacuation event.

  • Drive slowly and cautiously while on campus and within the school zones

  • Please park your vehicle in an appropriate parking space

    and not in any areas designated for emergency responders, fire lanes, buses, NO PARKING, etc.. Do not block any gates or access roads.

  • ALWAYS check-in at the front office/reception area and please have your government issued identification ready to present, if you intend to do any of the following:

    • Access the campus beyond the front reception area for ANY purpose
    • Deliver supplies, lunch, monies, homework, etc.
    • Attend lunch, class project, school program
    • Conduct any volunteer services as an already authorized volunteer
    • Conduct any contractor repair, maintenance, or construction services
  • Make an appointment

    We know your time is important, so if you wish to meet specifically with any school personnel (administrators, staff, or teachers) you must make an appointment, so they can ensure the proper time has been allotted to address your concerns.

  • If you have any other questions involving access, please call the school before making the trip to be sure you have everything you need.


Troy Church, L.E. / MPA
Director, Safety & Security Dept.
(772) 429-4645
Deputy Chief Frank Sabol, L.E.
Coordinator, Safety & Security Department
(772) 429-4645
Inspector Taryn Pack, L.E./CPTED
Florida Certified School Safety Specialist
(772) 429-4645
Christine Witczak
Executive Assistant, Safety & Security Dept.
(772) 429-4645

Certified Law Enforcement Security Officers

Senior Officer Frank Sisto, L.E.
Bob D’Agostino, L.E.
Brad Davis, L.E.
Raymond Desmarais, L.E.
Ami Gibbons, L.E.
Stephen Griffith, L.E.
Dominic Ignelzi, L.E.
Christopher Kneidel, L.E.
Taryn Pack, L.E. / CPTED
Ken Rodriguez, L.E.
Terry Russell, L.E.
Anatoli Schwartz, L.E.
Alan White, L.E.

Mail Couriers

Bob DeWeese (North)
Eric McKay (South)