Information Technology Services

ITS works collaboratively with all district departments and schools to define goals, develop plans and most importantly, implement new technology in the schools for the past several years. We continue the upgrade process of bringing every school to the district defined technology standards.

Contact Support

Support is handled using our AskLucie Ticket System
Or call the help desk at 429-HELP (429-4357)

Network Infrastructure

Nile Gentry
NIO & Telecommunications Manager
Phone: (772) 429-7577

The network infrastructure team supports all technology for students, teachers, and support staff including PCs, printers, class audio-visual systems, phones, wired & wireless networks.

Data Processing

Jim Dunn
Data Processing Manager
Phone: (772) 429-7561
Application Development, Web Development, Help Desk

The data processing team maintains the integrity and security of all essential district data. This includes student enrollment, attendance, grades, assessments, personnel, payroll, purchasing and financial records. They generate state and federally mandated reports and assist staff who perform data input, manipulation and extraction. They also design and write many of the databases and software applications that are used throughout the district, as well as the district and school websites and web applications.

Records Center

Laura Lovett-Estima
Records Center Specialist
Phone: (772) 429-5543
Records Center

District Student Records houses student records of High School graduates and those who have withdrawn from the St. Lucie County Public School District.

Our Services

  • CAVS

    This service provides and maintains integrated audio visual systems and equipment to select classrooms and specialty sites in the district.

  • Accounts

    This service provides and maintains personal accounts for district employees and students that allow them to access the district’s computer network.

  • Email

    This service provides and maintains district email accounts.

  • Mobile

    This service provides and maintains portable mobile data devices, such as Androids and iPhones to selected district customers.

  • Network and Wireless

    This service provides and maintains persistent network connectivity, including Internet access, in both wired and wireless environments to selected district sites.

  • Peripherals

    This service provides and maintains printers, scanners, fax machines and other non-computer technical equipment to select district customers.

  • Project Management

    This service provides tracking, budgeting, oversight and reporting for ITS projects.

  • Software

    This service provides enterprise software change and development services to select ITS customers.

  • Training Services

    This service provides training and consulting on the use of district technology to select district customers.

  • User Computers

    This service provides and maintains desktop computer equipment and software, including PC workstations, laptops and tablet PCs to select district customers.

  • Voice

    This service provides voice telecommunications devices and connectivity to select sites and district customers.

  • Websites

    This service provides websites, web design, and training to the district office and all schools.