Homeless Services
The School Board of St. Lucie and their partners can assist parents and their families who do not have a fixed, regular, and adequate night-time residence.Children who do not have a fixed, regular, and adequate night-time residence often move, causing them to frequently change schools and fall behind academically. These children usually live in overcrowded conditions. There is often a lack of basic resources such as appropriate clothing, food, transportation and money for basic school supplies. School is one of the few stable and secure places in a homeless child’s life.
A student is considered to be homeless if, due to a lack of housing, they must reside in a shelter, motel, vehicle or campground, on the street, in abandoned buildings or doubled-up with relatives or friends due to economic hardship or eviction. A student can also become homeless due to a house fire or other natural disaster resulting in a temporary or permanent loss of their home.
If you think you may qualify for assistance, please complete the Residency Questionnaire and return to Kylee Fuhr in Student Assignment.
If you have questions, or your housing situation changes, please contact:
Kylee Fuhr
(772) 429-3930
Policy Documents
Housing Florida Affordable Housing Locator
Emergency Financial Housing Assistance Program
Prescription Assistance
Rx Assist
Clothing Assistance
Grace Way Village/Hope’s Closet 4 Children
Hopescloset@gracewayvillage.org or local phone (772)925-3074 ext 2
Treasure Coast Homeless Services Council, Inc.
Nutrition Program Information
Guidance for Homeless Children in the School Nutrition Programs
Educational Rights
SERVE Center