Last update: September 6, 2024
Committee Appointees

Committee Members:

  • Brian GarciaDebbie Hawley Appointee
  • Lynette LockwoodJennifer Richardson Appointee
  • Deb MockTroy Ingersoll Appointee
  • Gwen MorrisDonna Mills Appointee
  • Garry WilsonJack Kelly Appointee
  • Vicki RodriguezEASL/CTA/CU President David Freeland Appointee
  • Candace LoupeAt-large Appointee
Teacher Salaries

The District and the Education Association of St. Lucie Negotiations Teams collaboratively reached an agreement for the utilization of referendum funds earmarked for teacher salaries. In this agreement, the Board and the Education Association of St. Lucie agreed to a four-year provision for all eligible teachers (including new hires) to receive a Referendum Recruitment and Retention Annual Supplement beginning with the 2019-2020 school year.

Negotiated 2023-24 amounts are as follows:

  • Beginning Teachers = $2,000
  • 1-5 years eligible experience = $2,454
  • 6-9 years eligible experience = $5,454
  • 10-14 years eligible experience = $8,254
  • 15 years + eligible experience = $10,854

This supplement is part of the regularly scheduled paychecks, and it also applies to the FRS contribution. Both newly hired and returning certified teachers with verifiable experience are eligible.

School Security

Funds a School Resource Officer on every campus, two on each high school campus.

Mental Health
  • Funds 8 additional social workers bringing the district total to 22.
  • Funds 5 behavior specialists.
  • Funds 10 behavior technicians.
  • Funds 3 Certified School Counselors.
Fine Arts

1)  A dollar value was assigned to each program/course for every school.  For example, more dollars were allocated for a high school band student than for a middle school student taking an art course.  Considerations were made for instrumentation, refurbishment, uniforms requirements, cost of materials, etc.  A committee distributed the allocation across schools and levels to ensure fairness and equity.

2)  Schools were then allocated based on the enrollments in the various programs.  Schools with high enrollments in the fine arts (especially ones more costly to operate) received more proportional dollars.

How We're Spending the Money