To Reset your Password:

  1. Log into your computer (you must be @ a SLC Schools location)
  2. Press CTRL-ALT-DEL
  3. Click ‘Change Password’
  4. Type your old password, type your new password, type your new password again to confirm it, and then press Enter

Note: If your password expires you will need to contact the Technical Service Desk at (772) 429-4357 option 5.
One of our Agents will be happy to assist you!

Password Criteria:

  • is at least 8 characters
  • has not been used in the previous 5 passwords
  • does not contain your account or name
  • contains at least three of the following four character groups:
    • English uppercase characters (A through Z)
    • English lowercase characters (a through z)
    • Numerals (0 through 9)
    • Non-alphabetic characters (such as ~!@#$%^&*_-+=`|\(){}[]:;”‘<>,.?/)