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C.A.S.T. provides opportunities to develop and highlight creativity and performance through courses in Dance, Visual and Graphic Arts, Vocal and Instrumental Music, Theatre and Musical Theatre.

Featuring a Black Box Theater, new arts classrooms, upgraded facilities, and earlier school hours to better accommodate extracurricular or community based activities. Academic excellence includes the new Cambridge Primary program to develop pre-collegiate skills.

  • Revitalized Arts classrooms, including:
    • Historic Auditorium
    • New Mind & Body Dance Studio
    • Black Box Theatre
    • Big Speak Theatre
    • Studio 26- 2D and 3D visual arts

Communique Café- opportunities for students to perform for their peers during the lunch hour.

Come join the CAST!  We have a spot waiting for you!

CAST Magnet Liaison – Jenny Clancy

A STEM-based (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math.) K-8 Magnet School. New courses expose students to computer coding, gaming, robotics, agri-technology, medicine, and augmented and virtual reality applications.

The Technology, Agri-tech and Science/Medical course pathways promote an inquiry-based approach to learning through Innovation Labs, Design Challenge Studios and the use of emerging technologies.

The prestigious Cambridge Primary Program provides our young scholars with an international science pathway and accelerate toward a rigorous high school and college curriculum.

Project-based learning incorporating state of the art learning environments through:

  • Innovation labs
  • Makerspace labs
  • Design Challenge Studios

Where you can find your passion and invent your future!

SGAET Magnet Liaison – Michelle Powers

As a premiere education center, The WEST Prep Magnet prepares students for the future!

Programs including Pharmacy Tech, Veterinarian Assistant, Agri-technology, Robotics, and Engineering feature emerging technologies and virtual and augmented reality applications.

Collaborations with local colleges, universities and community businesses open the doors to advanced careers of tomorrow. Our award winning fine arts programs provide students the opportunity to flourish as artists and performers bridging the gaps between the Arts and Academics. Our nationally recognized athletic programs are second to none, winning multiple state championships and turning out several college and professional athletes alike. Students can experience advanced curriculum such as the prestigious Cambridge AICE Advanced International Certificate of Education Diploma program. Other advanced curriculum includes Advanced Placement Courses and Dual Enrollment.

Experience excellence at Fort Pierce Westwood Academy: The WEST Prep Magnet!

West Prep Magnet Liaison – Brittany Rampone

Frequently Asked Questions

Is transportation provided to the schools?

Yes. Once a student receives a seat at one of the magnet schools and accepts it, SLPS Transportation Department will arrange transportation regardless of where you reside in the county.

Is there a waitlist for the MSAP magnet schools?

Not at this time. A waitlist will be established when the MSAP grant window closes.

Are there requirements to get in?

MSAP magnet schools are open to ALL students in St. Lucie County through a lottery-based application process.

Once my child is accepted to one of the magnet schools, do I need to reapply every year?

No. Once a student is enrolled, they have a seat for the remainder of the grade levels at the school.

When do I need to apply?

Please refer to the Student Assignment page for current magnet application dates.

For questions, contact Student Assignment at or call (772) 429-3930.

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