ADA: The American Disabilities Act of 1990. The Act of Congress that protects the rights of persons with disabilities.
Collaboration: Working cooperatively with others to achieve common goals.
Competitive Employment: Generally defined as paid employment in non-sheltered business or industry.
Exceptional Student Education (ESE): Education provided to children with disabilities whose abilities (physical, mental & social) and learning styles require alternative teaching methods or related support services to enable the child to benefit from the educational program.
Functional Skills: Skills that are important for everyday living such as how to shop for groceries, how to talk to one’s boss, or how to balance a checkbook with a calculator.
Goal: A final desired post-school outcome, the dream for which your young adult is training and planning. A goal may be as general as “I would like a job” or specific, such as “I want to live in an apartment on 45th Street with my best friend, Elizabeth.”
IDEA: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. The law that ensures that eligible children have available to them free and appropriate public education.
Inclusion: When persons with disabilities are not only in the same place as person without disabilities, but also participate in the same activities at the same time.
Independent Living Skills: Activities that a person needs to be able to live on his/her own with limited supervision.
Individualized Education Program (IEP): A written plan that identifies a child’s strengths, needs, education, and related services needs. The IDEA mandates than an IEP be developed for all children eligible under IDEA for special education services. The plan must be reviewed at least yearly.
Job Coach: A person who trains persons with disabilities on-the-job. Job coaches have special training to help them both teach the person with a disability to do the job and to aid him to be fully included in the workplace.
Supported Employment: Employment in which the person with a disability will need long-term or ongoing help to keep a job.
Supported Living: Individuals with disabilities share or have their own apartment or house. A service organization provides support as needed for transportation, skills training, budgeting, shopping and recreation.
Transition: Change, movement from one setting to another. The movement of a young adult from school to adult life.
Transition Services: Services that assist a child from one program to another. Moving from high school to employment, postsecondary education, adult services, living situation, and community activities.
Vocational Rehabilitation: A state agency, which is designed to help restore or develop the working ability of persons with mental, emotional or physical disabilities.