Hardship for Employed Parents.
The District may approve a transfer request by a parent or guardian if the District determines that the normal assignment of a student in grades Kindergarten through 8 presents a compelling hardship involving before and after school supervision because a single or both parents are employed. Requests for transfer of this type shall be accompanied by a notarized affidavit setting forth the nature of the circumstances producing the hardship, and by such other documentation as may be needed to verify the hardship. Transfers of this type are valid for one year only and require reapplication if requested for a subsequent year.
Medical Hardship.
The District may approve a request by a parent or guardian for a student to transfer because of a medical hardship. The parent or guardian must have written documentation from the treating physician on the appropriate District form. The treating physician must state the medical reasons requiring the reassignment. Transfers of this type are valid for one year only and require reapplication if requested for a subsequent year.
Emotional Well-being.
The District may approve a transfer requested by a parent or guardian if the District determines it is necessary to alleviate either a severe discipline or emotional problem. Such determination will be based upon the presentation of professional evidence, which shall include a finding, request, or recommendation made by the Department of Children and Families, by a court having jurisdiction over the involved student, or by a licensed mental health professional. Transfers of this type are valid for one year only and require reapplication if requested for a subsequent year.
Educational Well-being.
The District may approve a transfer requested by a parent or guardian if the District determines it is necessary to prevent serious injury to the student’s educational well-being. Such determination shall be based upon a full examination of the student’s entire record, and shall be accompanied by written findings detailing what such injury is, how such injury will occur, what alternatives to transfer have been considered, and why no alternative to transfer will alleviate or prevent such injury. Requests for transfer of this type shall be in the form of a notarized affidavit setting forth the nature of the circumstances that, in the absence of transfer, will cause serious injury to the student’s educational well-being, and such other information as will substantiate the required findings. Transfers of this type are valid for one year only and require reapplication if requested for a subsequent year.
Limited Zone-to-Zone.
If a student in grades kindergarten through 8 is determined by the District to live within a reasonable walking distance, as defined by Florida Board of Education Rule 6.A-3.001 (3), to a school outside of his or her Choice Zone, his or her parent or guardian may apply for transfer to the out-of-zone school. Transfers of this type will be terminated upon completion of the last grade offered at the receiving school, and shall be subject to annual verification of continued residence within the defined walk zone for such school.
Curriculum Offering.
The District may approve a request by a parent or guardian for a high school student who is able to secure a program offering or an essential subject only by transferring to another school provided the parent or guardian provides transportation for the student. Transfers of this type will be terminated upon completion of the prescribed program offering or subject or upon the student failing to enroll or re-enroll in such program.