Building Construction Technology

Get on the ground floor of turning plans into a reality. Students in the Building Construction Technologies program will be exposed to many aspects of the construction industry including, but not limited to, carpentry, masonry, HVAC, plumbing, electrical wiring and the installation of drywall and flooring. Potential employees with all-around skills are in high demand.

Program Offered At
Potential Industry Certifications / Credentials

  • NCCER Carpentry Level 1
  • HBI PACT Core
  • HBI PACT Core Green

Areas of Study

  • Courses emphasize math and its connection to blueprint reading, measurement, and general shop tasks.
  • Safety procedures, tools, equipment materials and processes related to building construction are an integral part of the daily classroom and laboratory lessons. OSHA instruction is provided.
  • Classroom lessons focus on planning, technical and productions skills, principles of technology, labor issues, community issues, health, safety and environmental issues.
  • Hands-on real world projects are incorporated.
  • Students who complete this program will complete the National Center for Construction Education and Research/NCCER Core Curriculum and earn NCCER carpentry credentials.

Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO)
Labor Market Information

This program supports students' college and career readiness. Students are college and career ready when they have the knowledge, skills, and academic preparation needed to enroll and succeed in college credit-bearing courses within an associate or bachelor degree program without the need for remediation. Students need these same attributes and levels of achievement to enter and succeed in post-secondary workforce education or to enter a career path offering a living wage and future advancement.